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The Full Story

School Supplies Project 1

In our first school supplies project, we provided books, pencils and other supplies for a small school and for all ages at the school.


Why school supplies? During the current economic crisis, many parents in rural communities are unable to provide basic supplies for their children to attend school. These supplies include pencils, notebooks, erasers, and paper. In each of these projects, we identified a school or local community for which we source a kit of supplies for each student. 

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A Typical Educational Supply Kit

Each student received a plastic pouch containing a selection of supplies. Each kit contains several notebooks for writing, pencils and pens, and an eraser. 

The figure on the left shows how the supplies were packaged.

The Students and Community

Here is a picture of a student receiving her supplies. In this case, the supplies were presented to the students during a traditional ceremony in their community.


This student is wearing the traditional children's dress of Sri Lanka, called the "child-sari", or "lama sari". It consists of a blouse and a wrap around skirt and is worn for special occaisons.

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A Thank You Message

Here is a video of a student speaking on behalf of her school. She is speaking in Sinhalese, the local language spoken in the south of Sri Lanka. Her words can be roughly translated as:


"For providing us with these supplies, we hope that you will receive blessings. We also pray for good health for you and strength to continue good works like this."

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